Abakus Central Authentication System (ACAS) is a highly-secure multi-factor authentication solution for web applications. Through the use of multiple encrypting technologies, websites connected to ACAS can authenticate their users in an environment that gives your clients complete peace of mind.

Amongst the technologies used for ACAS, users will immediately notice that their login is taking place over a secure sockets layer (SSL), usually noted by a small icon in the browser depicting a padlock. The SSL ensures that any text passed through the login page is encrypted using 1024 bit encryption.

Once the user is authenticated, the system prompts for a second input. A 6-digit pin code is randomly requested up from a list of 15 which the user has to input using their personal ACAS card. ACAS works on the philosophy behind multi-factor authentication whereby it requests 'something you have' and 'something you know'. ACAS was built to defeat trojan and man-in-the-middle (MITM) attacks including password stealing through keylogging. 

Additional security is also ensured when communicating the initial credentials whereby ACAS utilises a mixture of email and mobile channels to transport sensitive data such as logins, passwords and pin codes. 

ACAS is available as a service or a stand-alone application from Abakus Solutions.